Accident claims question:

I see loads of adverts on TV from companies saying they will act in an accident claim. Are these companies reputable?

posted in Accident claims | 2 responses

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Good Lawyer Guide's response

Some are, and some aren’t. Our advice is to go direct to an experienced Accident solicitor – rather than go through of these middle-men (who will be paid money – often by the solicitor who they refer you to). We think it is better to choose your own experienced solicitor, rather than a solicitor who has paid a referral company to have your case referred to them.

Bill Willcocks

Bill Willcocks' response

GLG's response has got to be right. If you to a claims management company they choose your lawyer for you. It's far better to make your own choice. A local solicitor is a great advantage as well, just in case you need to meet up. I always think it's much harder to get to grips with a claimif you haven't actually met your client.