Licensing question:

How do I know whether I need a licence?

posted in Licensing | 2 responses

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Good Lawyer Guide's response

Certain activities can only be carried on if you have a licence or temporary event notice, or club premises certificate. These activities are called ‘licensable activities’ and include the sale and supply of alcohol and the provision of regulated entertainment and late night refreshment. However, there are quite a number of exemptions (unless alcohol is involved) including where the activity is incidental to religious activities, or if music is incidental to another activity.
If you want to carry on one of these ‘licensable activities’ and it’s not covered by one these exemptions you need to get authorisation. Without authority it is an offence to carry on the activity so it is important that you find out whether you need to apply for a licence.

Jon Payne

Jon Payne's response

To provide just a little more information, the licensable activities under the Licensing Act are :

- Performance of a Play (anything where there is acting, from a battle reinactment to an impersonation)

- Showing of a film (including on a tv screen)

- Indoor Sporting Events

- Boxing or Wrestling

- Performing live or recorded music (incidental music is excluded)

- Performing a dance

- Providing entertainment that is similar to dancing, live or recorded music

- Providing facilities for dancing or making music or anything similar

- Supply of alcohol

- Providing hot food and drink after 11pm

There are of course a number of exceptions to all of this and other licensing regimes have different activities - eg gambling, gaming and lotteries. With fines of up to £20,000 and imprisonment, it is best to seek advice from a licensing lawyer or your local authority if you are uncertain.